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Television Coverage, Newspaper Reports and Other Media


RWTH Aachen University’s alumni magazine “keep in touch” reports in the summer term edition about RedTeam Pentesting’s daily work.


The German magazine “Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten” of the IHK Aachen presents RedTeam Pentesting as one of the local hidden champions.


Golem and Bleeping Computer report on the avisory D-Link DAP-X1860: Remote Command Injection released by RedTeam Pentesting.


The German newspaper Aachener Zeitung reports about the work as penetration tester at RedTeam Pentesting in the article “Auf Suche nach Schwachstellen in der IT”.


ZDNet and Bleeping Computer report on the avisories released by RedTeam Pentesting Unauthenticated Configuration Export, Unauthenticated Diagnostic Data Retrieval and Command Injection concerning improperly fixed vulnerabilities in Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Routers.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed by the AGIT about cyber security.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed for the German magazine „Handwerkswirtschaft” of the Handwerkskammer Aachen.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed for the German magazine „Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten” of the IHK Aachen about the prevention of cyber attacks.


On 01/03/2018, RedTeam Pentesting was interviewed in the German WDR 5 broadcast Profit on the subject of IT security in companies.


„Shibboleth 2: Update behebt Authentifizierungs-Schwachstelle” - A security alert from Heise Security regarding advisories from RedTeam Pentesting about vulnerabilities in the Shibboleth 2 software.


„Reddoxx: Angreifer können TÜV-geprüfte Mail-Archivierungssoftware kapern” - A security alert from Heise Security regarding advisories from RedTeam Pentesting about vulnerabilities in the REDDOXX Appliance.


The German newspaper Aachener Zeitung and present RedTeam Pentesting as one out of five companies nominated for the Regional Innovation Award 2017.


Till Maas writes in the article “Aus der Praxis: Wie man einen Multifunktionsdrucker absichert” on the German website Heise Business Services about experiences with securing a multi-function printer.


NRW.INVEST presents RedTeam Pentesting’s company profile in the magazine “Movers & Shakers in NRW” as one of the leading companies in their business.


On 07/11/16, the german TV station WDR showed in its Servicezeit program a report with RedTeam Pentesting about a vulnerability in the AVM FRITZ!Box firmware which allowed attackers to initiate phone calls on behalf of the owner of the FRITZ!Box.


Handelsblatt informs about why companies should include penetration tests for their security strategy and how to find the right offer.

  • “Immer auf der Suche nach Schwachstellen” - Aachener Zeitung, Issue 25 April 2015, Page 6

Patrick Hof and Jens Liebchen have been interviewed for the article “Immer auf der Suche nach Schwachstellen”. The article was published in Aachener Nachrichten and Aachener Zeitung (Issue 25 April 2015, Page 6) and is also available online (AZ).

  • “So geht das ›Sicher‹” - audimax I.T, Issue 2.3/2016, Page 10

Jens Liebchen was interviewed for the article “So geht das ›Sicher‹” in issue 2.3/2016 of the magazine audimax I.T. The article discusses requirements for starting a career in IT security, in particular in penetration testing.


Numerous online magazines report on a critical vulnerability affecting several models of the AVM FRITZ!Box, which has been disclosed by RedTeam Pentesting.


Several online magazines report on a critical vulnerability in the O2 DSL infrastructure, which has been disclosed by RedTeam Pentesting.

  • “Wo ist die Schwachstelle?” - Handelsblatt, Issue 231 from 30/11/2015, Page 44

Jens Liebchen was interviewed for the article “Wo ist die Schwachstelle?” in issue 231 of the Handelsblatt. The article describes how IT security in enterprises can be strengthed with penetration tests, and what to be aware of when choosing the right penetration testing service provider.


The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about the interview with Patrick Hof at the 2nd SZ-conference “Versicherung und Internet” about cyber-risks.


Multiple online magazines report on a critical vulnerability in IBM Endpoint Manager uncovered by RedTeam Pentesting.


Jens Liebchen and Patrick Hof were interviewed for the article “Safer Hacks” in issue 02/2014 of the German student magazine pflichtlektüre.


Jens Liebchen and Patrick Hof were interviewed about penetration testing services for the article “Sicherheitslücken laden Gangster ein” in issue 1/2014 of the German startup magazine GRÜNDER.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed about the security of different online shop payment methods for the article “Online bezahlen. Aber sicher!” in issue 04/2014 of the German magazine CHIP.


Patrick Hof held a talk on “IT-Sicherheit und Kryptographie in der Praxis” at the cryptoparty of the Fachschaft Mathematik/Physik/Informatik of RWTH Aachen University.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed for the article “Die sichersten TAN-Verfahren” in issue 02/2014 of the German magazine CHIP.


The German magazine “Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten” of the IHK Aachen reports about the work as penetration tester at RedTeam Pentesting.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed about penetration tests and the job of penetration testers by the German radio station eldoradio*.


Patrick Hof was interviewed about distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against banking IT.


The German TV show MDR Umschau again shows RedTeam Pentesting’s demonstration in 2011, how easy it is for unauthorised persons to enter hotel rooms withouth leaving a trace.


Jens Liebchen gives an interview about good reasons for penetration tests.


Jens Liebchen was interviewed by the radio station DRadio Wissen about the German crisis management exercise LÜKEX 2011.


Claus Overbeck was interviewed for an article of the Wirtschaftswoche about cyber attacks.


The fluter Magazine of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education cites Patrick Hof on the topic of penetration tests.


Jens Liebchen’s German article about physical security was translated to english for the international issue 05/2011 of ADMIN Magazine.


Jens Liebchen answers questions about online banking security for the German TV show “WDR Servicezeit”.


Jens Liebchen writes about physical security. The article was published in the July/August 2011 edition of the German magazine ADMIN-Magazin.


Patrick Hof has been interviewed about risks of online banking for the German TV station Sat.1.


Jens Liebchen comments on the security of current online banking systems in the German TV show n-tv Ratgeber - Hightech.


RedTeam Pentesting demonstrates for the German TV show MDR Umschau how easily unauthorised persons can enter hotel rooms withouth leaving a trace.


Claus Overbeck talks about penetration testing in an interview with WirtschaftsWoche.


Jens Liebchen gives an interview about security risks when using smart phones for banking transactions.


Jens Liebchen gives an interview about near field communication.


Jens Liebchen gives an interview about new and old risks of online banking.


German article about the 18th DFN Workshop and RedTeam Pentesting’s talk “Physical Security - Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”.


Patrick Hof gave an interview about penetrationtests.

  • “Gefahr durch Industriespionage” - WESTPOL

Jens Liebchen gave an interview for a German TV broadcast about industrial espionage.


T-Online writes about the new Postbank online banking system, that will use ChipTAN.


Jens Liebchen of RedTeam Pentesting was interviewed for the radio segment “Sichere Verfahren für das Online-Banking”.

  • “In Zukunft werden die Angriffe häufiger” - Neue Presse

The German newspaper “Neue Presse” interviewed Jens Liebchen of RedTeam Pentesting about the risks of online banking.

  • “Die kleine Hacker-Fibel” - Chip - 2010, issue 9, page 76

Chip reports on the vulnerabilities in chipTAN comfort that were uncovered in November 2009 by RedTeam Pentesting.


Heise online article about the workshop “Un(der)cover - Von der Online-Recherche hin zur gezielten Generierung neuer Informationsflüsse”, held at the Netzwerk Recherche annual conference 2010.


The German magazine c’t reports on the vulnerabilities in chipTAN comfort that RedTeam Pentesting published at the end of November 2009.

  • “Tipps zum Online-Banking – PLANETOPIA beantwortet Zuschauerfragen” - SAT1 TV show Planetopia

Following the show from November 23rd, viewers sent the Planetopia editors many questions regarding the security of online banking. In the show aired on December 6th, RedTeam Pentesting answers some of these questions and gives advice for secure online banking.

  • “Vorsicht beim Online-Banking – Wie unsicher ist die neue chipTAN?” (Video, German) - SAT1 TV show Planetopia

RedTeam Pentesting demonstrated some attacks against the iTAN and chipTAN comfort online banking systems for the SAT1 TV show Planetopia. In particular, new attacks against chipTAN comfort were developed. Technical details can be found in our (German) publication “Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffe auf das chipTAN comfort-Verfahren im Online-Banking”. An English version will follow soon.


heise online reports on the vulnerabilities in chipTAN comfort that were published by RedTeam Pentesting.

  • “Aachener Unternehmen knackt chipTAN-Verfahren” - media|NRW

media|NRW reports on the vulnerabilities in chipTAN comfort that were published by RedTeam Pentesting.


Short TV report about 2009, including a part about RedTeam Pentesting GmbH.


A security alert from The H Security (Heise Online) regarding advisories from RedTeam Pentesting about vulnerabilities in the IceWarp eMail Server.


Euregio aktuell writes about the conference of the EU project FIN-URB-ACT in Aachen, where RedTeam Pentesting was presented as a practical example of an innovative company.


The Gründerregion Aachen interviewed RedTeam Pentesting about the risks of Web 2.0 technologies for issue 3/2008 of their news journal “Gründerzeitung”.


Susanne Härpfer writes for about vulnerabilities in multi function peripherals (MFP), that RedTeam Pentesting demonstrated in cooperation with the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein Germany. She also addresses the issue of espionage and surveillance, that such vulnerabilities make possible.


Patrick Hof gives an interview regarding data security and espionage in corporations for the print edition of the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung.


RedTeam Pentesting shows in cooperation with the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein Germany (ULD) several vulnerabilities in multi function peripherals (MFP).

  • “Sicherheit 2008 - Jahrestagung der GfI” - iX, Volume 5, 2008, S. 28 (German)

Christian J. Dietrich writes in the magazine “iX” about the it-security conference “Sicherheit 2008”, which RedTeam Pentesting supported with two talks.


RedTeam Pentesting demonstrates the use of a simple trojan for a man-in-the-middle attack against an online banking system that uses the iTAN.


A security alert from Heise Security regarding advisories from RedTeam Pentesting about vulnerabilities in Mapbender.


Patrick Hof gives an interview for the German print magazine Focus Magazin about secure online banking.


In this article Heise Security presents the advisory of RedTeam Pentesting about the vulnerability in OmniPCX from Alcatel-Lucent.


Claus Overbeck gives an interview about “How to make your security measurable”.


A report from Heise Security about the advisories from RedTeam Pentesting regarding vulnerabilities in the content management system ActiveWeb Contentserver.


Heise Security reports about RedTeam Pentesting’s advisories regarding vulnerabilities in Fujitsu-Siemens ServerView and PRIMERGY BX300 Switchblade.


Patrick Hof gives an interview with Wolfgang Back and Wolfgang Rudolph about the security of the iTAN online banking system.


Eins Live article about learning how to hack in Aachen and the work of RedTeam Pentesting.


Die Zeit reports on the world’s best hackers from Aachen.


News article of Heise Online about a faulty behaviour of the eregi() function in PHP.


An article about the unsecure podcast clients Prodder and Perlprodder.


Heise Online reports about a critical vulnerability in open source AJAX framework PAJAX.

  • “Plusminus: iTAN im regulären Zahlungsverkehr geknackt” - HR, Press release

Plusminus reports on the attack by RedTeam Pentesting on the iTAN system.


A report on the iTAN system and phishing attacks concerning online banking.

  • “Trügerische Sicherheit” - Der EDV-Leiter, Volume 01-05

This article deals with results on the topic iTAN from RedTeam Pentesting.

  • “iTAN-Verfahren unsicherer als von Banken behauptet” - c’t, Volume 19, 2005, S. 59

This article deals with results on the topic iTAN from RedTeam Pentesting.

  • “Warnung vor Online-Banking” - WDR, Lokalzeit Aachen, 19:30h

A WDR report on the dangers of the iTAN system in online banking.


The article on Handelsblatt Online reports on the attack by RedTeam Pentesting on the iTAN system.


Heise Online reports for the first time about attack scenarios on iTAN systems.

  • “Forscher: Online-Banking auch mit iTAN-Verfahren nicht sicher” -

Another report on the iTAN system broken by RedTeam.


A general article on the public work of RedTeam Pentesting.


Another article on work in public of RedTeam Pentesting.


This article on Heise online concerns the exposition of information through JPEG EXIF headers.


Heise online reports on a programming error in an official workaround for Awstats.