Slides from the talk, held at the event “Recent Topics in Cybersecurity” at the Hasso Plattner Institute.
Slides from the talk “Der Bitwarden-Biometrie-Unfall - Wenn ein Pentest nebenher einen kritischen Fehler im Passwort-Manager aufdeckt”, held at the event “Studierende treffen Alumni und Unternehemensexpert:innen” at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
Slides from the talk “Gezielter Ausnahmezustand – Penetrationstests” held as introduction for a discussion as part of the event Fachschaftstagung Ingenieurswissenschaften of the Cusanuswer k.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair of IT Security Infrastructures at the Unive rsity of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “Mitbringsel aus dem Alltag: Star Wars in der niedersächsischen Provinz”, held at the event “Studierende treffen Alumni und Unternehemensexperten” at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held online at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “IT-Sicherheit: Unterwegs zwischen zwei Welten”, held at Technologiezentrum Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held online at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides of the talk „Pentesting”, held at the Friday Seminar organized by the III. Physikalisches Institut B of the RWTH Aachen University.
Slides of the talk „Pentesting in der Praxis”, held at the practical Hacker training at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin.
Slides of the talk „Sicherer Umgang mit Daten auf SSDs”, held at the IT-Sicherheitstag NRW by the IHK NRW.
Slides of the talk „Sicheres Löschen von Daten auf SSDs”, held at the 8. IT-Forensik Workshop of FH Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “Operation gelungen, Patient gläsern? Sicherheitslücken und ihre Konsequenzen im Medizinsektor”, held at the MedLife – BusinessTreff spezial: Medical Big Data in Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Daten löschen, aber richtig – Über die Besonderheiten von SSDs”, held at the conference 24. DFN-Konferenz “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen” in Hamburg.
Slides from the guest lecture “Operating Systems Security And Why It (Mostly) Doesn’t Matter” held at the Operating Systems Security module at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Slides from the talk “Alles wird gut? – Über Menschen, Angreifer und die Zukunft”, held at conference LeetCon 2016 in Hannover.
Slides from the talk “Daten löschen, aber richtig – Über die Besonderheiten von SSDs”, held at the conference LeetCon 2016 in Hannover.
Slides from the talk “Penetration Tester – Click Monkey or Creative Hacker?”, held at the Security Lab 2016 of the Research Group IT-Security of the RWTH Aachen University.
Slides of the talk “Was Dein ist, ist Mein - Datensicherheit aus der Angreiferperspektive”, held by Jens Liebchen on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day at TZ Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Let’s Encrypt with Best Practices”, held at the DevConf.cz 2016 conference in Brno, Czech Republic.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Research Group IT-Security at the RWTH Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “Security Threats at Conferences”, held at the Flock 2015 conference in Rochester, NY, USA.
Slides from the talk “Your Home is My Castle – Angriffe auf die Updates eines Heimrouters”, held at the Cryptoparty of the Fachschaft Mathematik/Physik/Informatik of the RWTH Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Angriff zur Verteidigung – Erfolgsfaktoren für gute Penetrationstests”, held at the Audit Challenge 2015 in Frankfurt.
Slides from the talk “Achtung, Unfall voraus…?” on IT security in public transport, as presented at the itcs seminar of the year 2015 by the VDV.
Slides from the talk “Erfolgsfaktoren für gute Penetrationstests”, held at the 22. DFN-Konferenz “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen” in Hamburg.
Slides from the talk “Angriff zur Verteidigung – Erfolgsfaktoren für gute Penetrationstests”, held at the IT-Sicherheitstag NRW in Hagen.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “Jailbreaking Your MFP for More Security”, held at a Workshop on system administration in libraries at the ZBIW of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. http = []
Slides from the talk “IT-Sicherheit und Kryptographie in der Praxis”, held at the Cryptoparty of the Fachschaft Mathematik/Physik/Informatik of the RWTH Aachen University.
Slides from the talk “Jailbreaking Your MFP for More Security”, held at the RWTH Aachen University Admin Meeting in Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Jailbreaking Your MFP for More Security”, held at the 37. Datenschutzfachtagung (DAFTA) in Cologne.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the talk “Jailbreaking Your MFP for More Security”, held at the Linuxtag in Berlin.
Slides from the talk “Jailbreaking Your MFP for More Security”, held at the 20. DFN-Workshop “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen” in Hamburg.
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage – Von technischen und menschlichen Schwächen”, held at the ESMT Management Update 2012 of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT).
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage – Von technischen und menschlichen Schwächen”, that was held at Technologieforum Telekommunikation of IHK Aachen in Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Fachhochschule Aachen in the course Informationssicherheit (information security).
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage – Von technischen und menschlichen Schwächen”, held at the ESMT Netzwerktag 2011 on Schloss Gracht.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the Chair for IT Security Infrastructures at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Slides from the workshop “Aktuelle Fälle von Datendiebstahl und wie sie grundsätzlich funktionieren – Hintergrundwissen für Journalisten”, held at the Netzwerk Recherche’s annual conference 2011 in Hamburg.
Slides from the talk “Physical Security – Wenn Türen zu Firewalls werden”, held at the 18th DFN Workshop “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen”.
Slides from the talk “Ten Commandments of IT-Security for WEB 2.0 Startups”, held at Build 0.4 of HackFwd.
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage: Ein Realitätsabgleich”, held on invitation of Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen.
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage: Ein Realitätsabgleich”, held at the event Praktische IT-Sicherheit at the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
Slides and link collection from the workshop “Un(der)cover – Von der Online-Recherche hin zur gezielten Generierung neuer Informationsflüsse”, held at the Netzwerk Recherche’s annual conference 2010 in Hamburg.
Slides from the talk “Bridging the Gap between the Enterprise and You – or – Who’s the JBoss now”, held at the Bachelor-Vertiefungspraktikum zur Hackertechnik of the Chair for Network and Data Security, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Slides from the talk “Peeking into Pandora’s Bochs – Instrumenting a Full System Emulator to Analyse Malicious Software”, held at the Hackito Ergo Sum 2010 IT-security conference in Paris.
Slides from the talk “Emulationsbasiertes Entpacken von laufzeitpgepackten Schadprogrammen”, held at he 17th DFN Workshop “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen”.
Slides from the talk “Hacking for your Security – Penetration Testing”, held at the Aachen Technology Entrepreneurship Conference (ATEC) 2009.
Slides from the guest talk “Hacking for your Security – Penetration Testing”, held at the lecture “Entrepreneurial Marketing” at the Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler (WIN) of RWTH Aachen University.
Slides from the talk “Peeking into Pandora’s Bochs – Instrumenting a Full System Emulator to Analyse Malicious Software”, held at the hack.lu 2009 IT-security conference in Luxembourg.
Slides from the talk “Bridging the Gap between the Enterprise and You – or – Who’s the JBoss now”, held at FrOSCon 2009.
Slides from the talk “Sicherheit und Industriespionage: Ein Realitätsabgleich”, that was held at Technologieforum Telekommunikation of IHK Aachen in Aachen, Germany.
Slides from the talk “Bridging the Gap between the Enterprise and You – or – Who’s the JBoss now”, held at the Center for Computing and Communication of RWTH Aachen University. Based on the talks held at the 16th DFN-CERT Workshop and Hack.lu 2008, the time available at this event allowed for more elaborate demonstrations.
Slides from the talk “Bridging the Gap between the Enterprise and You – or – Who’s the JBoss now?”, held at the 16th DFN-CERT Workshop in Hamburg. The talk covers typical vulnerabilities of JBoss Application Server installations and their exploitation.
Slides from the talk “Überraschende Angriffsvektoren: Weit verbreitet, oft übersehen”, held at the CeBIT. The talk shows exemplary security weaknesses which resulted from wrong assumptions.
Slides from the talk “Practical Security and Crypto: Why Mallory Sometimes Doesn’t Care”, held at the EiPSI seminar of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The talk explains by means of practical examples mistakes in the usage of cryptography.
Slides from the talk “IT-Security in Theorie und Praxis – Über ‘harmlose’ Geräte und andere Denkfehler”, held at the IHK Arnsberg at the event “Unternehmenskritische Daten – Gefahren und Schutzmaßnahmen”. Other talks were given by the Verfassungsschutz NRW, the secure-it.nrw initiative as well as the tetraguard GmbH.
Slides from the talk “Bridging the Gap between the Enterprise and You – or – Who’s the JBoss now?”, held at the hack.lu 2008 IT security conference in Luxembourg. The talk covers typical vulnerabilities of JBoss installations and their exploitation.
Slides from the talk “IT-Security in Theorie und Praxis – Über ‘harmlose’ Geräte und andere Denkfehler”, held at an IT security workshop of druckerfachmann.de AG in Berlin.
Slides from the talk “Penetration Testing – Praxis and Beyond”, held at the working group Security of the German Speaking Bull User Society in Cologne.
Folien zum Vortrag “Penetration Testing – Praxis and Beyond”, held at Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
Slides from the talk “Penetration Testing – Praxis and Beyond”, held at the Berufsakademie Mannheim.
Slides from the talk “Ubiquitous IT Security – Warum die Firewall nicht schützen konnte”, held at the Sicherheit 2008 security conference in Saarbrücken.
Slides from the talk “Botspy – Effiziente Beobachtung von Botnetzen”, held at the 15th DFN Workshop “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen” in Hamburg.
Slides from the talk “Botspy – Efficient Observation of Botnets” at the hack.lu security conference in Kirchberg (Luxembourg).
Slides from the workshop “Effektive Recherche im Internet”, for the congress for online journalists of the Deutscher Journalisten-Verband.
Slides from the talk “Penetrationtests: Praxisnahe IT-Sicherheit – Ihr Netzwerk aus der Angreiferperspektive”, that was held at Technologieforum Telekommunikation of IHK Aachen in Aachen, Germany.
Slides from the talk “IT-Security aus dem Nähkästchen” about typical vulnerabilities, managers do not expect in their company, but which are found in penetration tests nevertheless. The talk was held at the 14th DFN-Cert Workshop “Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen” (“Security in distributed systems”) in Hamburg, Germany.
Slides from the talk about penetration testing at the AGIT IT-Sicherheitstag, Technologiezentrum Aachen.
Slides from the lightning talk on the cryptochallenge of Hack.lu 2005. The Talk was held at Hack.lu 2006.
Slides from the presentation about penetration testing held at the OpenChaos. The OpenChaos is organised by the Chaos Computer Club Cologne e.V.. The presentation is based on the presentation at the Center for Computing and Communication of RWTH Aachen.
Slides from the presentation about penetration testing held at the computer center of the RWTH Aachen, which was a huge success with over 300 participants. The presentation shows in a comprehensible way what pentesting is, what procedures are used and what the benefits of a pentest are. In a subsequent part, common failures are discussed and frequently appearing security flaws are identified.
Slides from the presentation about penetration testing held at the LinuxTag Stralsund.